King's college london Bsc level math 2nd year - Applied differntial equations,
Real analysis
Linear algebra and classicaldynamics
for upcoming final exams
Help me with learning basic python and then leading to AWS Lambda functions.
Need online tutor for my son who is in 3 year BEng mechanical . Module is control system. It includes topics like Transfer functions, State - Space model ,linear time invariant system , open loop system , open loop close loop system etc . Please let me know if you can cover these along with questions practice 3 classes’s per week of 1 hour each ....
Real analysis and linear algebra
I need a tutor who has a phd in mathematics and must be able to solve very difficult proof based questions in real analysis for third year university math. Topics include: integrals, riemann sums, sard's theorem, uniform continuity, etc. Must be confident to answer demo question on the spot.
Budget: $30 CAD
help me to learn Differential Geometry. how is your class? which books would you use?