This notes deals with Solid geometry which majorly focus on three-dimensional objects, exploring their surface areas and volumes. Understanding these properties is crucial for analyzing real-world structures like...
This video lecture is about the chapter "Number Systems" of Mathematics class-9. This is a very much useful lecture for quick revision, especially before the exams. Therefore, worth buying !!.
CBSE Class 10 Probability worksheet . After doing this worksheet the student will be able to do higher level question too. The standard will increase and also the cracking techniques will be developed. This is best for...
CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Summative Assessment for August and Sepetember assesment coveting Real numbers, Linear equations in two varibales, polynomilas , triangles, Trignometry. This is a smaple question paper . By...
Explaining the laws of indices with well explained examples on each laws and also solving of simple exponential equation
Circle Geometry is one of the topics in mathematics that seems boring and burdensome to students and examination candidates. Hence, the objective of this book as its title implies– Circle Geometry Made Easy (A...
This is an introduction to fraction. Simplified explanation about the meaning of fraction and how to find the fraction of a given amount and how to find a certain amount from a given fraction.
The article is meant to present to middle and high school students to the principles underlying the rules of arithmetic of the integers and the rational numbers. The aim is to demystify and simplify those rules so that...
This lesson introduces you, the student, to the Cartesian coordinate plane. The goal is that you understand Cartesian coordinates well, and that you are able to master using them to describe points in the Cartesian...
Everything that you need to know for your GCSE Maths exam, all in one document with specific examples and step by step work out. You can go through it for maybe a month and by the end of this 84 pages long revision...
Arithmetic Progression Handwritten Questions and Soluitions. As it has black background so less strain on eyes. For more details please check icse book for grade 10