Wendy Guerra Mathematics, English
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PhD in Education (thesis in preparation) from Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana, Master’s Degree in Business Administration Marketing from Universidad Católica de Honduras (UNICAH), Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineer from Universidad Católica de Honduras. In 2005, I started teaching English, Mathematics and Statistics in the Catholic University. Later, I was promoted as an Academic Coordinator and kept growing professionally. During the next couple of years I was trained in pedagogy, education management strategies and quality control systems.
Later on, I became part of a starting project which is Western International School of Honduras, which is now a group of 4 schools. I learned to teach from 1st grade to 12th grade in subjects such as: Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics.
I was definitely convinced and drifted to education after this experience. I strongly believe that educators have a huge impact in student's lives, contributing, building up a better society and a solid foundation of values. Communication skills comes easy on me, it does make me create a bond with teacher parents and students. Working with the youngest students made me realize the passion for education. And something I definitely want to continue doing. Im here to support and help.


  • English Intermediate

  • Mathematics & Statistics Expert

  • Algebra 1, 2, 3 Expert


  • Academic Director (Sep, 2010Present) at Western International School of Honduras
  • Math, statistics and english teacher (Jan, 2005Jun, 2010) at UNICAH, Honduras


  • MBA (Jan, 2015Aug, 2017) from UNICAHscored 96
  • Industrial Ingeneering (Sep, 2000Sep, 2014) from UNICAHscored 96

Fee details

    HNL60/hour (US$2.36/hour)


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