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S. UsmanTeaching
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I want to read Quran with tajweed and tafseer to awarness aboyt our religion,Allah and our P.B.U.H because our new genration is not knows about religion so i want to read deeply quran with tafseer so our new genration fallow on our religion and Quran and the life of our P.B.U.H i want to tell how our hazrat muhammd was live how spend his life how secrifice of our islam.i want to teach our new genration the whole life of hazrat they can spend their life on hazrat muhmmd P.B.U.H
Quran & Tajweed Beginner-Expert
Quran & Ahkam Adult/Casual learning
Quran & Tafseer
No experience mentioned.
Alimaat (Jan, 2019–Jan, 2024) from Jamia noor ul imaan lil bqnat rawalpindi