What did you fail at today?

Ask your child "What did you fail at today?"

Sara Blakley is the founder of Spanx, and a Billionaire.

In an interview, she told how her father encouraged her to try new things without fear of failing.

My father gave me an unusual gift growing up. He encouraged me to fail. So sitting at dinner table with my brother, he would ask " what did you fail at this week?" and if we didn't have something we failed at, he would actually be disappointed.
And I can remember coming home from school and saying "Dad Dad, I tried out at this and it was horrible. and he would say " way to go" and hi-five me. He was reframing my definition of failure. So failure for me didn't become about the outcome, it became about not trying.
So if I fail to do something out of fear or embarrassment, that's failure. But if I do it and then fail, then that's not a failure.

So why not try this with your child?

Listen to full interview at https://jamesaltucher.com/2017/02/sara-blakely/

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