Certified Meditation Teacher (Jan, 2022–now) from Complementary Therapist Accredited Association (CTAA) - The Priority Academy
Psychology psychotherapy counseling (Jan, 2022–now) from University of Kalaniya Sri lanka
Certified in Pranayama (Breathwork) Teacher Training Level (Mar, 2020–now) from Yoga Alliance - Bodsphere - Health and Wellness Yoga Teacher Training School
Certified Chakra and Kundalini Healing (Jan, 2020–now) from Studied under Prof'. Krishna N. Sharma, Ph.D.
Practitioner level Counseling Psychology (Jan, 2020–now) from The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology
Pa Auk Full Time Course (Jun, 2017–Mar, 2021) from Pa-Auk Tawya Meditation Centre, Mynamar
Shwe Oo Min Meditation (Dec, 2016–now) from Shwe Oo Min Dhamma Sukha Tawya, Mynamar
Sunlun Meditation (Oct, 2016–now) from Kaba Aye Sun Lun Monastery, Mynamar
Mogok Meditation (Jul, 2016–now) from Mogok Meditation Centre, Mynamar
Spiritual Studies, Meditation, Counseling, Abhidhamma, Mentoring, Guidance, Teaching, coaching, (Sep, 2001–now) from Many Spiritual Institutions, Sri Lanka and Myanmar
Kaduboda Meditation (Apr, 2000–now) from Kanduboda Siyane Intl Insight Meditation Center, Sri Lanka
Madawal Upali Thero (Mar, 2000–now) from Rathmalkanda Meditation Centre, Sri Lanka
Mr. S.N. Goenka Vipassana (Feb, 2000–now) from Dhamma Kuta Vipassana Centre, Sri Lanka
Nilambe Meditation (Jan, 2000–now) from Nilambe Buddhist Meditation Centre, Sri Lanka
Mahasi Vipassana (Jan, 1999–now) from Panditarama Meditation Centre, Mynamar and Sri Lanka
Practiced teachings from Ajan Brahmawanso, Ajan Sumedho, Sayalay Deepankara, Jack Kornfield, Tina R (Nov, 1998–now) from Remote or when teachers visit occasionally
Amatha Gavesi Thero Meditation (Apr, 1998–now) from Devanapathis Meditation Center, Sri Lanka