Md. Al Shahriar Suny Emon CSE Student.
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Dedicated Online Teacher who is very experienced in creating a practical online lessons for various subjects. I am teaching online for almost a year. I am helping my students to understand the topic easily. My lessons are always lively and filled with enjoyable activities and most importantly my lessons are beneficial to my students.

I try to explain everything simply and give real-life examples to the students. I have always considered myself a student and a discussion partner. That's why my students understand a topic fast and remember it for a long time. I also share my experiences so they can improve their studies.

Specializes in Math and Science subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc. I would like to teach from grades pre-schooling to 12 in English medium, especially the Cambridge curriculum. If students are from Bangla medium then I would like to teach any subjects.

I can speak Bangla, English, Hindi, and Urdu. If anyone speaks Urdu or Hindi, I can teach them but I can't write Urdu and Hindi, I can use these two languages for communication purposes only.


  • Biology Beginner-Expert

  • Chemistry Beginner-Expert

  • Physics Beginner-Expert

  • Math Beginner-Expert

  • ICT Beginner-Expert


No experience mentioned.


  • CSE (Sep, 2019now) from YUNNAN UNIVERSITY, Kunming

Fee details

    5001,000/hour (US$4.559.11/hour)

    The Fees vary according to the medium. English medium students' fees are higher than the Bangla medium.


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