Aqsa huma Online teaching,grip on my subject,expert urdu typ
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As Aqsa Huma, a dedicated and experienced educator with a passion for empowering students through both offline and online learning platforms. With a commitment to fostering an environment of growth and success, I bring a unique blend of teaching skills, methodologies, and personal qualities that contribute to my effectiveness as an educator.
In both offline and online settings, I employ a variety of teaching methodologies tailored to meet the diverse needs of learners. From traditional lectures and hands-on activities to interactive discussions and multimedia presentations, I adapt my approach to best suit the subject matter and student preferences.

Engaging Lectures: I deliver interactive and engaging lectures, employing multimedia resources and real-world examples to enhance comprehension and retention.
Hands-On Activities: I incorporate hands-on activities and group projects to promote active learning and collaboration among students.
Individualized Instruction: I provide personalized attention to students, offering additional support and resources to address individual learning needs.
Assessment Strategies: I implement diverse assessment strategies, including quizzes, tests, and projects, to evaluate student understanding and progress accurately.

Tech-Savvy Approach: I am proficient in leveraging educational technology tools and platforms to create interactive and engaging online learning experiences.
Virtual Collaboration: I facilitate virtual discussions, group activities, and peer-to-peer interactions to foster a sense of community and engagement in the online classroom.
Multimedia Presentations: I utilize multimedia presentations, videos, and interactive simulations to deliver content effectively and enhance student comprehension.
Asynchronous Learning: I design asynchronous learning materials and activities to accommodate diverse schedules and learning preferences among online learners.
What Makes Me a Successful Teacher:

Passion for Education: My genuine passion for teaching drives me to continuously innovate and adapt my approach to meet the evolving needs of my students.
Empathy and Understanding: I cultivate a supportive and inclusive learning environment where every student feels valued, respected, and supported in their academic journey.
Effective Communication: I communicate clearly and effectively, ensuring that students understand complex concepts and feel comfortable asking questions and seeking clarification.
Reflective Practice: I engage in reflective practice, regularly assessing my teaching methods and seeking feedback from students to improve learning outcomes.
Student-Centered Approach: I prioritize student success and growth, tailoring my instruction and support to meet the individual needs and goals of each student
As an educator, I am committed to empowering students to reach their full potential and succeed both academically and personally. Through my dedication, expertise, and student-centered approach, I strive to make a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of my students, whether in the offline or online classroom.


  • Urdu Beginner-Expert

  • Urdu & Islamiyat Beginner-Expert


  • 7 years teaching experience as a teacher (Aug, 2017Present) at Government School Education Department
    Reading (پڑھنا)
    Writing (لکھنا)
    Speaking (بولنا)
    Listening (سننا)
    Vocabulary (ذخیرہ لغت)
    Grammar (نحو)
    Comprehension (سمجھ)
    Fluency (روانی)
    Pronunciation (تلفظ)
    Composition (تصنیف)
    These keywords cover various aspects of Urdu language skills, from basic to advanced levels.
  • 3 years teaching experience as Head teacher (Mar, 2014Jun, 2017) at 3 years teaching experience in grammar school
    a head teacher typically include overseeing the overall operation of the school, managing staff, ensuring curriculum implementation, maintaining discipline, fostering a positive learning environment, and liaising with parents and the broader community. They're essentially the captain steering the ship of education.
  • 1 year teaching experience asUrdu teacher (Sep, 2012Sep, 2013) at Foji foundation school

    Urdu Writing Skills: Practice writing in Urdu regularly to improve your vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.
    Basic Language Skills: Start with learning basic Urdu vocabulary, greetings, and common phrases. Then, gradually expand your knowledge to include more complex expressions and grammar rules.
    Pronunciation: Work on pronouncing Urdu words accurately by listening to native speakers, practicing speaking aloud, and using resources like pronunciation guides or language learning apps.
    Punctuation: Learn the rules of punctuation in Urdu, including how to use commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points correctly in written sentences.
    Urdu Reading: Read Urdu texts such as books, newspapers, or online articles to improve your reading comprehension and expose yourself to different writing styles.
    Urdu Writing Practice: Set aside time to write regularly in Urdu, whether it's journaling, writing essays, or composing emails. This will help reinforce what you've learned and build confidence in your writing abilities.
  • 1 year teaching experience as Montessori teacher (Aug, 2008Jul, 2009) at 1 year teaching experience in Shaheen academy miani
    Being a Montessori teacher requires dedication and hard work, but it's incredibly rewarding because you're helping and caring for children in their crucial developmental years. It's a noble profession that shapes young minds in profound ways.


  • Mphill urdu (Sep, 2019Oct, 2021) from University of Lahore Pakistan
  • Masters in urdu (Aug, 2015Sep, 2016) from University of Sargodha, Sargodha
  • M.ed (Jan, 2014Feb, 2015) from University of Sargodha, Sargodha
  • Msc economics (Sep, 2009Aug, 2011) from University of Sargodha, Sargodha

Fee details

    Rs5002,000/hour (US$1.807.18/hour)

    Fee vary on the basis of grade


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