Bharat Kodalkar QA Automation Lead QA
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Offering comprehensive training and expert support in automation QA testing for day-to-day tasks, including on-the-job assistance.

Proficient in a wide range of testing tools and technologies, including Cypress and Protractor for E2E testing, frameworks like Karma, Jasmine, and Cucumber, test report generation with Allure and HTML, CI-CD pipeline setup using Jenkins, and seamless integration with browser stack platforms. Skilled in JavaScript and TypeScript, NPM commands, Node.js, and Angular-CLI for responsive AngularJS applications.

Experienced in building CI-CD pipelines from scratch using Jenkins and AWS, with strong version control expertise in GIT, GITLAB, Tortoise, SVN, Bitbucket, and issue tracking with JIRA and TFS.

Expertise in Cypress JavaScript automation, including the development of test suites from scratch using Mocha and Chai, and integration with Jenkins for continuous testing.

Proficient in C# testing with Selenium WebDriver, Postman, and Soap UI for web services, as well as Rest API testing using Rest Sharp and HttpClient. Familiar with MS-Test and N-unit frameworks.

Skilled in Java testing with frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, and Maven projects, along with Extent Report and Rest Assured API for robust testing.

Experience in Selenium Headless testing using Chrome, HTMLUnitDriver, and PhantomJS, as well as cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, BrowserStack, and SAUS Lab.

Mobile automation expertise covering Android (Samsung Galaxy, Google Nexus) and iOS (iPhone, iPad) for both web and mobile apps, leveraging Appium server and Appium Desktop.

Proven ability in CI-CD build integrations with TFS, Jenkins, Bamboo, Windows Batch Scheduler, and Power Cell scripting.

Strong backend testing skills with SQL Server, SSMS, SQLite, and Azure Storage Explorer, as well as experience with Agile methodologies, BDD frameworks (SpecFlow, Cucumber, Jasmine), automation frameworks (POM, Data Driven, Keyword Driven, Hybrid, Module Based), and design patterns (Page Object Pattern, Singleton).

Extensive testing phase experience, including DEV, QA, System Testing, SIT, UAT, Live Confidence Testing, Live Proving, and Production Support.

Proficient in various IDEs such as Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, and Intellij.

Robot Framework, RPA for UI and API testing.

In-depth knowledge of performance and load testing using Visual Studio, Fiddler, JMeter, Network Traffic Manager, and debugging tools in VSTS.

Adept in supporting multiple platforms, including Windows (IE, Chrome, Edge, Firefox), iOS/MAC (iPhone/iPad with Safari and Chrome), OS X (Safari), and Android (Samsung Galaxy Note, Google Nexus 6 with Chrome).

Additional expertise in manual testing, ETL testing, Tosca, Robot Framework, RPA, AWS, and DevOps automation. Proficient in Salesforce automation.

Experience spans across various domains, including healthcare and insurance, finance, e-commerce, contract management, taxation, and e-invoice.


  • Web Services (SOAP/REST) Beginner-Expert

  • Selenium with Appium Beginner-Expert

  • Selenium with C# and Java Beginner-Expert

  • Mobile Automation Beginner-Expert

  • Cypress Automation Expert


  • Senior SDET Lead (Jul, 2015Mar, 2023) at BARCLAYS, Pune
    Working in Agile Environment

    Selenium Web driver( C#, Java, python, ruby), Cypress, protractor (java Script and typescript) Node JS,
    Build CI integration(Jenkins, Bamboo, Visual studio online 2018), Rest API, AWS Services, Database testing,
    SQL, Sq Lite, BDD, Spec flow, Cucumber, jasmine, Inllija IDE, Eclipse,VSTS performance and load testing, Agile, Rest sharp, Selenium Grid,
    Rest Assured, SOAP UI, tosca, Postman, Angular responsive application testing,
    Appium, automation testing on different screen resolution, automation on different OS, browser combinations and mobile platform
    Framework : POM, Hybrid, Data driven, keyword driven, Module Based,Jasmine,Mocha, Cucumber, Spec flow-BDD
    Platform worked :
    Windows( IE, Chrome, Edge, Firefox)
    iOS/MAC- iPhone/ iPad(safari, chrome)
    OS X- (Safari)
    Android- (Smasung galaxy note Chrome, Google Nexus 6 chrome),
    Manual testing, test case writing, Design patterns knowledge, ETL Testing

    Robot framework, RPA, AWS, devops automation
    Salesforce automation

    Health care and insurance
    E commerce
    Contract management
  • SDET||| (Feb, 2012May, 2015) at Wolters Kluwer
    • Automation Software Testing using Selenium Web Driver C#, Coded UI, SQL and Performance & Load Testing.
    • Experienced in different kinds of testing which includes Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Regression testing & VSTS Performance Load testing.
    • Developed Multi-Platform automation framework which supports various Automation platform such as Android (Web or Native app), iOS (Web or Native app), Local Web Application (Local Browsers) and Cloud based automation using Browser Stack along with API automation using JSON and XML.
    • Hands on experience in scheduling of automation setup on daily basis without manual intervention using batch, Build deploy test workflow.
    • Knowledge of Appium Server for mobile automation with Selenium Grid setup and also having knowledge emulators for mobile automation.
    • Configuration of Hub and Nodes & Running a test suite parallel on different nodes(machines) and browsers or real devices.
    • Strong experience on the API testing tools like SOAP UI, Postman, HTTP services.
    • HTMLUnitDriver & PhantomJS
    • Selenium Headless Testing on chrome
    • Hands on experience in Requirement Analysis, Test Planning, Defect Management and Test completion report preparation along with use of tools such as JIRA,MTM, TFS, Test Link, Bugzilla
    • Experienced Senior Test Engineer with excellent client and project management skills. Action-oriented with strong ability to communicate effectively with technology, executive, and business audiences (Scrum Master role in sprint).
    • Hands on experience on developing BDD scenario using Spec Flow, Cucumber (unit and integration and database testing).
  • SDET (Jan, 2010Jan, 2012) at Icertis
    • Sprint Planning, Backlog grooming and test case analysis or developing BDD Scenario using Spec Flow for Test Automation.
    • Develop & Execute automated test cases on IE11, Chrome and Safari, Firefox and Edge browser.
    • API & BDD Testing
    • Sending Automatic report of Sprint to stakeholders.
    Independently handling client call and project work
    - Automation of regression scenarios from backlog
    - In sprint automation


  • Computer engineering (Sep, 2009Jan, 2012) from Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Punescored 78

Fee details

    30,000100,000/month (US$359.451198.18/month)

    Price will be differ from subject to subject


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