Doctorate/PhD Homework resources

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Doctorate/PhD Homework resources

current controversial issue using tools of rhetoric to persuade a real world audience and image

Instructions write a 5-6-minute text in speech form on a current controversial issue using tools of rhetoric to persuade a real world audience. tools of rhetoric consistently, accurately, and purposefully use the...

Walmart Strategic Analysis image

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis. When writing your analysis, complete the following: Evaluate the company’s current financial plan, including charts and/or graphs showing financial data from the struggling...

Education assignment on early childhood experiences image

Instructions *Describe what 3 most important practices associated with Developmentally Appropriate Practice and how these influence children’s early childhood experiences *create a list of questions that allows the...

Reaction to the article "When Not Guilty is a Life Sentence". image

This week we will incorporate a spiritual exercise along with the reflection and discussion. Be sure that you have read chapter 6 of Sue and Sue on cultural and racial microaggressions before beginning this exercise....

Health Communication activity 2 image

Instructions After analyzing your assigned public health campaign, compile your thoughts into a Word document and submit it here. Put your name and the name of your campaign at the top of the document. Use full...

Discussion - What Is HRD Why Is It Important? Defining HRD, Performance, and Engagement image

Instructions: 1. Review the definitions of HRD presented in your readings as well as Module 1 Slide Presentation. Download Module 1 Slide Presentation. What do you consider to be the key components of HRD? Define those...

Community Needs image

Instructions For this scholarly paper, the student will complete a Community Needs Assessment and identify a gap or need that is present. To do this, the student will use observational and objective research data to...

Chapter 12 Human Variation and Adaptation (313-333) image

Answer the essay questions on the worksheets. Please answer them thoroughly and in your own words. You will not be given credit if it is copied word for word or copied and pasted from other sources. It is beneficial to...

Why was the Ford Model T the most important invention of the 1900’s? image

Why was the Ford Model T the most important invention of the 1900’s Subject: History Sources: 3 sources required Citation Style: MLA Instructions 5 paragraph essay (7 sentences per paragraph) explaining why it is the...

Assignment on the place of the conquistadors or the conquered. image

The purpose of this assignment is to have you think about how it feels to be considered "the other." Begin by trying to put yourself into the place of the conquistadors or the conquered. How would you feel about your...

History (American Federalism) image

In the materials this week you learned about the concept of American Federalism: the separation of powers between federal, state, and local governments. Apply what you have learned about federalism to evaluate its...

What does "glocalization" mean to you? image

What does "glocalization" mean to you? Subject: Criminology Sources: 1 source required Citation Style: APA 6th edition Instructions What does "glocalization" mean to you? How is glocalization related to myths of gangs...

The Death Penalty Debate in the United States of America image

Assignment Type: Research Paper Service: Writing Pages/Words: 14 pages / 3850 words (Double spacing) Education Level: College Language: English (US) Your Deadline: Assignment Topic: The Death Penalty Debate in the...

Analysis of the TED talk by Niko Everett image

Instructions Your TED Talk homework assignment essay should be typed using an 11- or 12-point font, double-spaced, with left-align margins (NO justified or centered text, please!), and should run 2 to 3 pages long....

Federalism - Dividing Power Between States and The United States image

Explaining Federalism: Explaining Unitary: Explaining Unitary:...

Grassroots Community Based Organizing image

Textbook: "The Jossey - Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management Fourth Edition, David O. Renz & Associates. Read: Chapters 13 & 14 FYI: Grassroots organizing represents the richest example of NPO...

Research Paper: The Effects of Stress on The Human Body image

write a Research Paper on the Effects of Stress on The Human Body. Pages/Words: 6 pages / 1650 words (Double spacing) Education Level: College Language: English (US)

Discuss Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and relate it specifically to a situation. image

Discuss Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and relate it specifically to a situation that either you or someone that you know is in. Be sure to backup your perspectives with quotes or documentation from the textbook or trusted...

Assignment exploring two of the websites and writing a response paper image

Instructions Carefully explore two of the websites. Write one response paper (total) about the two websites. Be sure to do the following: a) Describe the information available on each website, how they are organized,...

Explain the difference between art and useful objects. image

Instructions Explain the difference between art and useful objects. Then, discuss how craft media can be an artform by referencing any of the clay, glass, metal, wood, or textile objects from chapter 13. Citing specific...